LRF Royalty – The Topknot

Inspiration is a funny thing, the weather has been awful recently and that has kept fishing to a minimum, meaning less ammo for me to write with. Poor weather does lead to more time to read though and what a book I have been reading – Hooked On Lure Fishing by Dom Garnett and Andy…

Pout vs Poor Cod – Spot The Difference

It’s pretty much winter and it’s time to talk about some unfashionable fish. Yes, the moment has arrived… It’s time to play spot the difference between two species that are uncannily similar – the pouting and the poor cod. First a little background on these closely related species. Both of these fish are relatives of…

The Cornish Lure Festival 2019

It was that time of year again, a group of LRF anglers made the pilgrimage to Art Of Fishing in Wadebridge. The reason? To slog it out to claim the CLF 19 trophy, fishing over 48 hours hoping to catch as many different species on lures as possible. Now, I could just tell my story…

Cornish LRF Weekender – Part 1

When you get an invite from Will Pender to species hunt his favourite cornish marks, you don’t turn that down. With Richard Salter just as keen as I was, we arranged the dates and counted the days. The date was the 14th and 15th September and was soon upon us. This is my attempt to…