Brixham LRF 23/11/2019

Rain, bloody rain! Autumn has been a washout but would that stop me and Richard Salter lerfing? Of course not. We had a cunning plan to avoid the mud pit that the Plymouth Sound has become recently and head to Brixham, in the hope that it would be more sheltered and clearer. It turned out…

Pout vs Poor Cod – Spot The Difference

It’s pretty much winter and it’s time to talk about some unfashionable fish. Yes, the moment has arrived… It’s time to play spot the difference between two species that are uncannily similar – the pouting and the poor cod. First a little background on these closely related species. Both of these fish are relatives of…

Plymouth LRF Meet – November 7th 2019

Frankie Costello, founder of the Plymouth LRF Facebook group, put in the call, we were finally having an LRF meet. It had been too long since our last one and we were overdue a catch up. Here’s a gallery of images from a fantastic meet with a solid collection of species. We will hopefully be…